I’ve had enough!

Have you?

Meet Leanne Gordon, Chief Agent of Change

When I studied organisations, teams and human behaviour, I had a vision that I would be part of the generation to change the way we work.

At the beginning of my career, the move to knowledge work was afoot. With it came the need to change the way work was designed and performed. It was an opportunity too good to be true.

For too many years, though, we have witnessed workplaces where

profits are valued at the expense of people;

increases in productivity correspond with decreases in quality of life, job satisfaction, engagement, health and wellbeing; and

a staunch defence of the status quo persists.

Enough is enough. Changing Futures’ programs are designed to reimagine work for a better future. One where we all win. Working with individuals, teams and leaders to bring work back to life, and life back to work.

My Expertise

With a background in organisation development and human resources, I have over 25 years experience working with people and teams as they navigate the changing world of work.

I have worked with small, medium and large organisations, and individual leaders and professionals. I also have experience with not for profit, for cause, and industry boards and committees.

I love helping people and businesses to:

  • embed change into the way we work and live;

  • introduce new thinking and ideas;

  • create meaningful workplace cultures; and

  • make our work, and workplaces, more human!

If you want to see more about my qualifications and experience, you’ll find all of that on my LinkedIn profile. Feel free to reach out and connect while you’re there.

Let’s Chat: Click HERE to book a no-obligation, free call